Books Published in the 1880s
Dublin Core
Books Published in the 1880s
Below is a list of all the books known or believed to be set in or near St. Augustine from this decade. Some authors chose to rename or make-up towns or places. Books held in our collection are indicated by an asterisks (*).
Down South; or, Yacht Adventures in Florida
* East Angels
Eustis: A NovelÂ
* The Flamingo Feather
The Indian Pilot, or, The Search for Pirate Island
* In the Wilds of Florida: A Tale of Warfare and Hunting
* A Jolly FellowshipÂ
My Ghostly Visitant: A Tale of St. Augustine and One of Its Ancient Mansions
* Rodman the Keeper: Southern Sketches
Texar's Revenge, or North against South
Three Vassar Girls at Home
Down South; or, Yacht Adventures in Florida
* East Angels
Eustis: A NovelÂ
* The Flamingo Feather
The Indian Pilot, or, The Search for Pirate Island
* In the Wilds of Florida: A Tale of Warfare and Hunting
* A Jolly FellowshipÂ
My Ghostly Visitant: A Tale of St. Augustine and One of Its Ancient Mansions
* Rodman the Keeper: Southern Sketches
Texar's Revenge, or North against South
Three Vassar Girls at Home